Excision, Illenium, Fisher & More Help Usher Normalcy Back into Las Vegas [News]
It’s been over a year, and felt even longer, since people could freely travel across the country with friends and loved ones. Uniting with them at large-scale events was even further out of the question, but this past weekend signaled that things might be returning to ‘normal.’ For Las Vegas, this means the live events […]
Excision Returns to Las Vegas for 2-Day Curated Event Alongside Sullivan King, Marauda & More [News]
Excision is set to return to the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center next month, when he’ll host a two-night run July 2-3, presented by RVLTN Events. The dubstep king, who’s built a rabid following behind his immersive audiovisual experience, will revive his act for Vegas for the first time since his sold-out run in February, 2020. Sullivan King, Marauda, […]