Press photos of Vibe Emissions

Vibe Emissions: Finding Independence & Creativity during COVID-19 [Interview]

While some artists have been feeling the rage of cabin fever through quarantine, others use the time indoors to take a break from the norm, get much-needed rest and focus on future music and projects. Bryce Herlong, a.k.a. Vibe Emissions, is one of them. 

Notö performing live

NotLö Finds Her Groove, Magic Through Bass Music [Interview]

As it is for most of us, the magic of music is an escape for Alex Mantekas. Discovering her connection to music was to find an avenue to solace during the hardships of life. This connection sprouted years ago when she started regularly attending electronic shows as a fan. Mantekas was most attracted to the eclectic ambiences and experimental beats that filled the atmosphere. Having seen inspirational performances, especially by female artists such as Clozee, she felt called to begin her own inventive endeavor as an electronic artist.