Banner at Sick New World festival

MP3 TAKES: Metal Heads Take Over Sick New World 2024 For an Unforgettable Experience

Introducing MP3 TAKES, our event review series where we dive deep into the exhilarating world of music festivals and live performances. In an era teeming with music events worldwide, our aim is to help you navigate through the noise and uncover the most captivating experiences. Join us on this adventure to highlight the backstage stories, memorable moments, and unique elements that made Sick New World one-of-a-kind.

From the moment people arrived in Vegas for Sick New World 2024, they knew they were going to be surrounded by their favorite kind of people.

Die hard metal fans flocked to the Vegas strip 80,000 strong, quickly selling out second edition of Sick New World. Everywhere you turned for days on end there was a sea of people wearing all black and sporting their favorite band tee’s like a badge of honor.

As expected, there were long lines to get everyone into the venue safely, but once things began moving it didn’t take too long to get in the gates and start taking your picture with all the Sick New World art decor.

With both A Perfect Circle and Primus losing their musical instruments in transport from their Red Rocks show in Colorado, this could have been a disaster. Primus told the crowd that once the show wzs over, they will be selling the new instruments and donating the proceeds to charity.

Once again Redrock Entertainment threw an amazing festival for an experience that will keep people coming back for years. Redrock Entertainment are also the people behind When We Were Young Festival and Lovers and Friends 

Now let’s jump into our highlight sets of Sick New World. 

Slipknot Brings Us All Back to 1999 

Unfortunately Slipkot did not allow any outside photography, but that doesn’t change the fact they had one of the best sets of the festival.

Who doesn’t love a nice dose of nostalgia. When Slipknot took the stage we got just that.

The band in its entirety were wearing the classic style red jumpsuits as well as the masks from back in the day. This is what the crowd who camped on the rail all day came to see.

Playing mostly a throwback set we got all of the favorites from People=Shit to Duality. 

No one can replace Joey Jordison, the band’s first drummer, but the crowd was treated to the band’s newest addition on drums in epic style. Eloy Casagrande did fantastic playing all of the bands beloved tunes from the 1999 era 

Lorna Shore Brought the Energy Early in the Day

Will Ramos of Lorna Shore
Lorna Shore, Sick New World 2024 Photo Credit: Phuckitphoto

Maybe it’s because the crowd had not been in the sun all day yet or maybe it’s because of the sheer brutality of the band, but this was for sure a high point in the day.

High energy screams from the vocalist Will Ramos brought out the inner demon in everyone in the best way. At one point during the bands set Will gets on the microphone to say “This is the shortest set we have played since I have been vocalist”.

Crowd surfer
During Lorna Shore, Sick New World 2024 Photo Credit: Phuckitphoto

System of a Down Mesmerizes the Crowd

System of a Down a Sick New World
System of a Down, Sick New World 2024 Photo Credit: Phuckitphoto

Whenever you have the chance to see System of a Down it is a treat.

No longer touring and very rarely playing one off shows anymore, this made Sick New World even sweeter.

With the instrumentation as on point as ever, it was easy to feel your inner child rocking out again like when you were young.

The band mates were very in sync even playfully riffing off of each other. This at one point caused Serj to literally fall to his knees laughing. With the entire crowd singing as loud as they can after being in the sun all day it was pretty easy to look past the fact that Serj doesn’t really scream on the mic anymore. 

BABYMETAL Brings Tokyo to Vegas: 

BABYMETAL at Sick New World
BABYMETAL, Sick New World 2024 Photo Credit: Phuckitphoto

There is nothing quite like BABYMETAL on the US metal scene making this band a breath of fresh air.

This band mixes fun and poppy vocals that switch from Japanese to English with heavy metal. BABYMETAL is fronted by three adorable women performing high energy and engaging choreography.

This is all backed up by a full metal band adorning stylish Japanese devil masks.

To make their sound even more fun they fill out their sound with EDM breakdowns. This is one band the crowd was for sure all about. 

Lamb of God Brought Unmatched, Raw Energy

Lamb of God plays to large crowd at Sick New World
Lamb of God, Sick New World 2024 Photo Credit: Phuckitphoto

Another band bringing the 90’s into the 2020’s, Lamb of God has not lost its edge.

Hands down being one of the most high energy sets of the entire festival, we saw crowd surfing from start to finish.

Every single aspect of this band is holding true to what made them popular. Heavy instrumentation accompanied by the vocals of a screamer legend had the place warmed up from the start. 

Additional photos of Sick New World 2o24:

Vocalist for Lamb of God performing at Sick New World 2024
Lamb of God, Sick New World 2024 Photo Credit: Phuckitphoto
BABYMETAL At Sick New World
BABYMETAL Sick NEw Word, 2024 Photo Credit: Phuckitphoto
Danny Elfman performing with his band
Danny Elfman, Sick New World 2024 Photo Credit: Phuckitphoto
Spiritbox Performing at a large music festival
Spiritbox, Sick New World 2024 Photo Credit: Phuckitphoto
Newly married couple attend metal concert
Sick New World 2024 Photo Credit: Phuckitphoto
Two girls in the crowd enjoying themselves
Sick New World 2024 Photo Credit: Phuckitphoto



Pro photo dood Specialized in event photography Let me remember the party so you don’t have to🙃 From Reno 🏔️ to the Bay 🌁