Skrillex and Chris Lake at Friendship

MP3 TAKES: Reminiscing on Friendship 2024

Introducing MP3 TAKES, our event review series where we dive deep into the exhilarating world of music festivals and live performances. In an era teeming with music events worldwide, our aim is to help you navigate through the noise and uncover the most captivating experiences. Join us on this adventure to highlight the backstage stories, […]

Suwanee Hulaween live photo

Hulaween’s 2022 Lineup Dazzles; Features Liquid Stranger, Fisher, Gigantic Nghtmre, & More

The Southeast’s prized festival gem, Suwanee Hulaween, just dropped its 2022 lineup today – and it’s dazzling from top to bottom. While known for its incredibly eclectic and diverse offerings annually, this Fall’s cultural affair will provide an undoubtedly rich and unforgettable experience. Hulaween’s Spirit Lake is acclaimed as one of the foremost, immersive art experiences in […]

Press photo of Local Dialect

Local Dialect Embodies Ancient Greek Mythology in Latest EP, Erebus

Former Princeton graduates Local Dialect have teamed up with the remarkable sublabel Desert Hearts Black with their 2-track EP, Erebus. As a melodic house and techno DJ duo from Brooklyn, Sam Perricone and Reed Tan began their musical adventure in 2017.  Over the last six years, their devotion to producing experimental new sounds has been […]

Kevin Knapp Press Photo

Kevin Knapp Joins Desert Hearts For Sizzling Worldwide EP

Desert Hearts’ exudes a colorful aura of good vibes and swaggerific music, so the DH family will surely welcome the latest single by esteemed producer, Kevin Knapp. The UK-inspired Worldwide EP delivers a more minimal approach for the vibrant label, but finds uniformity in its identity as a welcoming dance floor banger. “For years, Desert […]

Mikey lion press photo

Mikey Lion Conjures Positive, Vibrant Vibes on New Single, “This Is The Beat”

Desert Hearts’ vibrant aesthetic is representative of what goes on inside the head of Mikey Lion. Earlier today, the DH co-founder submitted his latest colorful creation, “This is the Beat,” which channels his newfound focus of healing through dance music. In June 2021, Mikey Lion dropped a glistening 9-track LP, For the Love; the 100th […]