The Eunoia of MAD Pritch, A Glimpse Into the Rapper & Producer’s Beautiful Mind [Interview]
This issue was originally written in September of 2020. Read our digital flip book version here.
There are certain serendipities in life that reject being reduced to mere coincidences and seem rather like subtle messages from the universe, which remind us that we’re all metaphysically connected and guiding us in the right direction.
MAD Pritch is the moniker and musical embodiment of the Indiana-based rapper, songwriter, DJ, and producer Madeline Pritchett; a lyrical poet and true aesthete, deeply perceptive to the beauty of art and nature. While listening to her recent single “Contemporary Solutions” in prep for our interview, a dreamy, lo-fi track-turned-ballad, I noticed the first tag word: Eunoia (n.) beautiful thinking; a pure and well balanced mind.
As a writer, it’s important to keep a journal for times when struck with inspiration, and at the beginning of each school year I choose one word of intention that articulates my personal goals for the year and for myself. This year, more than coincidentally, I chose eunoia. Eager to finally get to talk with Maddie, I knew this interview would cover music more than music.
We marveled at the beautiful synchronicity and were both overcome with warm emotions. To Maddie, eunoia encapsulates her goal in life — to be the most pure, genuine, & authentic version of herself– and sees it as a beautiful reminder to push yourself to grow & blossom into your highest, truest self. And also, to stay present and grateful.
“The relationship we have with ourselves and in our mind is really important. This sounds slightly odd to say, but I want to admire the person that I am,” she said in our interview for MP3DU. “ I want to learn from her (my soul) and grow with her and respect her…I think living a life in the moment & living a life full of gratitude is one of the most beautiful gifts you can allow for yourself.”
To embody the self and communal love she wishes on the world, first Maddie begins with herself and doing the things she loves. She starts each day by eating well & exercising, meditating and doing yoga, spending time with her loved ones and in nature.
“I find inspiration in many places, but my greatest sources of inspiration that truly spark my creativity are found in nature. Spending time with Mama Earth makes me feel grounded, centered and at peace with myself and the world around me.”
Inspired by her center, Maddie’s able to write her truth and extend herself into her music. Maddie’s humble, virtuous persona and intense love for nature is no secret to anyone that knows of her. Her symbol is a rose and her media presence blooms with photos of cloudy skies, vibrant flowers, things that bring her joy, words of positive affirmations, a hell of a lot of fun facts, and calls for action against the myriad of hate-rooted injustices present in today’s world.
Her art is alive with genuine thoughts and emotions, all creations that are authentic to and a part of her being.For Maddie, the MAD Pritch project is much more than a stage name or project– it’s an inextricable part of herself that draws from various facets of her life, and renounces being confined into a box or a single genre.
“I’d say the backbone of my art/music is my emotion,” she said. “All of my songs are representations of past emotions I’ve felt, emotions I am feeling at the time of creation, emotions I dream of feeling, experiences I dream of having, experiences I have had, etc. ”
Her music breathes a sultry infusion of experimental bass, R&B, dancing piano melodies, and powerful poetry. Maddie learned the piano as a little girl from her grandfather, and says the instrument impacted her the most and has carried over instrumentally throughout her life. She fell in love with poetry, journaling and writing short stories starting in elementary school, later taking fun in writing lyrics to YouTube instrumentals, and grew up listening to Drake, Lil Wayne, and Pretty Ricky.
In college, Maddie instantly fell in love with mixing music when she began learning how to DJ, and later how to produce. By combining her two loves of making music and writing lyrics, an entire new realm of passion was unlocked and in 2017 the MAD Pritch project was born.
“Once I realized just how captivating my passion for music & writing was, I was inspired to really dive into producing & creating my own music, and hopefully turn my art into a career!”
Eunoia also serves as a rhetorical term for the goodwill of a speaker that makes them receptive to the audience. Another aspect of the term Maddie embodies. Her style holds an evocative prowess, yet the most intimate element of all of her music is the deep and expressive lyrics she raps.
“I want listeners to slow down, think, feel & reflect while listening to my music.”
MAD Pritch’s recent beat tape mix with rsrch chcmls, titled “Her Passengers,” is a twelve-minute manifesto imposing truth, wisdom, and compassion onto several issues plaguing our country, from COVID & our responsibility to love thy neighbor & wear a mask, to police brutality and mass incarceration, to spiritual bypassing, “using spiritual ideas to avoid dealing with unresolved emotional issues & negative feelings, and instead sidestepping the work,” to exhort white masses to open their blind eyes to the value, experiences, and injustices of Black lives in America.
Her latest single, “The Work,” continues encouragement for self reflection and growth, & the essence of eunoia; in every aspect of life — relationships, careers, spirituality, self love and growth– you have to put in the work, dig deep inside to find your purpose in order to reap the benefits and beauty life has to offer grounded in love.
You must fall in love with your life.
With the current state of the world, it’s impossible to be positive 100% of the time, yet Maddie remains optimistic through the melancholy of the modern world, while also thinking about life pragmatically. Each and every human views the world from their own unique perspective, and instead of getting angry and spewing hatred onto one another we must listen to understand, ask questions and continue to learn. And most of all, we must be kind to ourselves, each other, and Mama Earth.
Your thoughts create your reality… but what is reality?
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