sound haven live photo 2021

MP3 PREP: 6 Essentials for Sound Haven 2023

Sound Haven is just around the corner, and we could not be more excited! The South’s wildest and weirdest bass music festival is set to pop off July 20-23 at Jaceland in the heart of Tennessee. So, grab your wook towels, fam, and gather ‘round. MP3 MAG is here to give you the run-down of everything you need to know to prepare for Sound Haven 2023.

“No scheduling conflicts. No noise ordinances. Music all night.”

In an extraordinary twist that seems almost too perfect to be real, Sound Haven stands out as a unique gem among music festivals, boasting a rare feat: absolutely no scheduling conflicts. This characteristic, a rarity in the festival landscape, owes its existence to the event’s smart two-stage setup: the UFO and the Planetary Stage.

Every artist, from up-and-coming undercards to acclaimed headliners, is given an hour-long set on one of these stages. What sets Sound Haven apart is the meticulous arrangement ensuring that no two acts overlap. Consequently, festival-goers are offered the exceptional opportunity to experience every artist on the lineup, making Sound Haven a truly inclusive festival experience.

As for “no noise ordinances,” we have the venue to thank for that. With its 200 acres of verdant hills and picturesque woods, Jaceland is the perfect backdrop for an underground bass music festival. Its remoteness–about 100 miles outside of Nashville–creates a sense of wonder, adventure, and freedom: freedom to blast all the filthy wubs without the risk of noise complaints. No noise ordinances means the music can actually go all night, from 4 P.M. to sunrise the next day.

Super Future on Finding the Flow State & Healing Through Music

Speaking of sunrise, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention Sound Haven’s legendary sunrise sets. You haven’t lived until you’ve sat in a hammock and watched a marvelous sunrise while Super Future plays in the background. This year, feativalgoers will get to enjoy a stacked lineup of sunrise sets by Huck.Jorris (Thursday), Super Future (Friday), Mindex (Saturday), and Rafeeki (Sunday).

Sound Haven’s Stacked VJ Lineup

Sound Haven isn’t only a feast for the ears. It’s also a feast for the eyes. Along with all the incredible bass architects on the lineup is a host of talented visual artists. From the well-known to the up-and-coming, they’ll be showcasing their talents at both stages throughout the weekend.

Check Out Sound Haven’s Workshops

Expand your mind with Sound Haven’s lineup of workshops. From the heady to the healing, there’s something for everyone. Try your hand at festival hair braiding, or learn about somatic healing and astral projection. If you’re an early riser, you’ll find your zen at sunrise yoga and meditation on Saturday.

Sober Haven

Here’s something new for 2023. Sound Haven has partnered with Sacred Sessions and Ananda Embodied to curate a sober lounge and sanctuary. The sanctuary will be “a quiet, peaceful area for festival-goers to connect with themselves, with others and with the divine.”

Sacred Snow: Building A Safe Space Within The Music Community

There will also be a sober group camping area for anyone who wants to sign up. This is a great option for those who want to have a good time without compromising their sobriety. Props to these organizations for creating a safe and inclusive space for everyone!

Elevated Experiences

If you look up and happen to see a person 100 feet above your head, there’s no need to be alarmed. Elevated Experiences, a collective of professional highline walkers, will return to Sound Haven to wow and entertain the crowd in front of the UFO Stage.

Be Prepared for Extreme Heat and Humidity

If you’ve never experienced a Tennessee summer, be advised. Not only are the summers blazingly hot; they’re also extremely humid. Oppressive amounts of moisture in the air make it more difficult to cool down, as sweat and water don’t evaporate as easily. Ninety degrees in Tennessee feels like 115 in Southern California. That’s why it’s important to stay hydrated and seek shade when possible. Come prepared with sunscreen, hats, electrolytes, and more water than you think you’ll need (at least a gallon per day). For anyone needing extra hydration, Sound Haven has partnered with a local medical provider, ER2GO, to offer IV infusion services.

While we’re having the time of our lives, let’s be sure to watch out for each other. Signs of dehydration include muscle cramps, brain fog, and headache. So, stock up on those electrolytes and prepare for the best festival of the summer!


Ashley is a multimedia journalist based in Nashville, TN. She holds a Master of Art in Journalism from USC and a Bachelor of Music from Vanderbilt. With nearly 10 years of music industry experience, Ashley is well-versed in reporting, editing, artist interviews, and podcast production. When she's not headbanging at the rail to filthy wubz, you can find her in the garden, hiking, or sipping herbal tea while she writes in her dream journal.