DJ Health Press Photo

DJ Health Turns Up The Rave Energy on Fantastic Voyage EP, ‘Not The Same’

DJ Health is a recent addition to Justin Jay’s Fantastic Voyage label, an eclectic L.A.-based imprint that spans the spectrum of electronic music. DJ Health makes for the perfect addition to the label, with his unique, low-key techno sound reviving the rave and progressing it forward with unique tangents.

His second release is two track EP, Not The Same, which features a pair of captivating and diverse tracks. The title track launches into a bouncing breakbeat and garage-like bassline, before it begins to soar upwards on the wings of energetic piano keys. Tinged with acid synth stabs and faint vocal samples, the euphoric melody unravels into a beautiful soundscape, totally immersing listeners as it develops organically.

Health contrasts the the emotional journey of “Not The Same” with the more rhythmic B-side “Loose Jaw,” a darker tune with a pulsating bassline interspersed with spacey synths. Combined with driving percussion, this one is sure to be a DJ weapon.

With just his second release, DJ Health’s unique and evocative style makes him one to watch as we keep an eye on the techno and rave revival of the US.




Reed Albrittain is a music lover through and through. From bluegrass to techno to indie rock, he holds a deep appreciation and understanding of music. He has written for music sites like ThisSongIsSick and Indie Shuffle. He also works with Backline Partners to program live music at various locations around the US.